
Participatory project × 2023 × with Kollektiv HIATUS

Fundstadt is a participatory film-, music- and performance project centered around six children from Bremen and Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Six filmic portraits introducing a self imagined ‘Thing’ —an object of identification, of longing or sorrow—blend personal imaginary worlds with bits of the very diverse life realtities of 10 to 12 year olds.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking: if you want me, your heart must be kind. If your heart is not kind, then I'll go away. - Ali

Each child also gave musical expression to their personal creature. Lead by Duri Collenberg, the musical composition of each film was co-developed by the kids with musicians and vocalists of Theater Bremen and Musiktheater im Revier, Gelsenkirchen.

Sometimes it's such a sensory world. No one talks, and yet it's really loud. - Janne

You come down with black snowflakes. You can shoot lightning. You can walk upside down on the clouds. With you I can break out any prison. - Jason

In my dreams I feel what he is doing. Once he drank orange juice and then I tasted that too. Then I woke up, went to the fridge and all the juice was gone. - Nil

He doesn't care about anything. Actually, he can easily crush me if he's not careful. But I'm not afraid because he has such a sad face. - Sabina

Dear Egy, what are you up to? I think eating cotton candy all day, the way you smell. - Pia

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Ali | Full version (German)

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Sabina | Full version (German)

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